We design small scale hydraulic stacker (tower) systems which provides more security, stability and has a low failure rate.Our systems uses the most advanced micro-computer program operation control system. Light boxes, voice guidance system and boot mirror are installed to help drivers park their vehicle in a secure car platform.The conditions of the retrieval and required waiting time will be displayed on a monitor right beside the entrance door.
Front view
Side view
The Standard Spec. for Hydraulic / Small Tower(mm)
(w/o turntable)
Car Dimension Allowance Type KP-MT
Length 5200mm
Width 2050mm (with side mirror)
Height 1500mm & above(varies)
Weight 2200kg
Platform Size Length 5400mm
Width 2200mm
Dimension of Device Length 6500mm
Width 7400mm
Height Based on overall design
Pit RC pit 1200mm & above